Featured image for “Intensive Practice Program [2025] Study Guide 1: Establishing Our Practice for the Year”
January 1st, 2025

Establishing Our Practice for the Year

In January we will establish our daily practice schedule. This is an experiential course and the ultimate goal is for you to sustain the awareness of cosmic consciousness and transform your life. For this to be possible you will need to devote yourself to consistent spiritual practice. Each individual is unique and so we will design your individual practice around your own needs and constraints. During this month you will receive all of the detailed and personalized guidance you need to do that.
Featured image for “Intensive Practice Program [2025] Study Guide 2: Following the Path to Cosmic Consciousness”
Full guide released February 1st, 2025

Following the Path to Cosmic Consciousness

In February we will set a foundation for the journey ahead by exploring my own deepest understanding of the spiritual path and the work required to attain a deep and abiding experience of cosmic consciousness. We will explore how focused practice and study can generate an atmosphere of awakened energy in your life that keeps the miracle of higher awareness ever-present in your awareness.
Featured image for “Intensive Practice Program [2025] Study Guide 3: Traveling through Higher Dimensions of Reality”
Full guide released March 1st, 2025

Traveling through Higher Dimensions of Reality

In March we will examine the profound teachings of the great Indian sage Sri Aurobindo whose work was a big influence on my own. We will explore how the path to cosmic consciousness inevitably takes us through invisible realms of the inner world that can only be navigated through the cultivation of unusual sensitivities. During this month you will develop the power of mystical vision necessary for the journey.
Featured image for “Intensive Practice Program [2025] Study Guide 4: Transforming into a Cosmic Self”
Full guide released April 1st, 2025

Transforming into a Cosmic Self

In April we will explore the nature of our sense of self and how our current identity can be transformed in profound ways that leave us feeling like a new person. We will work with the profound psychological vision initially developed by William James and expand on that in order to engage with a process of transformation that will shift our own identity into our true self as a universal being.
Featured image for “Intensive Practice Program [2025] Study Guide 5: Entering Consciousness Without Thought”
Full guide released May 1st, 2025

Entering Consciousness Without Thought

In May we will turn to the creator of the phrase cosmic consciousness, the English mystical poet Edward Carpenter. We will discover how Carpenter saw the experience of pure awareness, or consciousness without thought, as not just a heightened state of human experience, but as the original mind of the universe itself. Our practice this month will bring us into contact with the mystery of thoughtless awareness.
Featured image for “Intensive Practice Program [2025] Study Guide 6: Opening to Spiritual Transmission”
Full guide released June 1st, 2025

Opening to Spiritual Transmission

In June we will explore the mysterious power of words, either written or spoken, to carry the energy of profound and otherwise inexpressible spiritual realities. By exploring some of the poetry of Walt Whitman that inspired the creators of cosmic consciousness, we will learn how to open to the energetic transmission of words and how to infuse our own words with the energy of our own deepest realization.
Featured image for “Intensive Practice Program [2025] Study Guide 7: Discovering and Refining Our Mystical Vision”
Full guide released July 1st, 2025

Discovering and Refining Our Mystical Vision

In July we will explore the spiritual vision that Edward Carpenter expressed in his own highly transmissive epic poem years before he traveled to India and studied Hinduism. The work we do in this month will allow us to use an appreciation of Carpenter’s vision to connect us with our own deepest vision for a perfected human state and to discover how to express that vision with a power and clarity that inspires us and those around us.
Featured image for “Intensive Practice Program [2025] Study Guide 8: Embracing the Evolutionary Potential of Cosmic Consciousness”
Full guide released August 1st, 2025

Embracing The Evolutionary Potential of Cosmic Consciousness

In August we will explore the evolutionary vision of Richard Maurice Bucke, the other original creator of the idea of cosmic consciousness. We will discover that cosmic consciousness is not limited to personal experience or even individual transformation; it may well be the evolutionary destiny of the entire human race. Our focus will be on placing our own quest in a vast context that empowers our practice far beyond any personal motive could.
Featured image for “Intensive Practice Program [2025] Study Guide 9: Perceiving Higher Dimensional Realities”
Full guide released September 1st, 2025

Perceiving Higher Dimensional Realities

In September we will expand our understanding of what it means to live in a multidimensional reality. The practices and contemplations we engage with will expand our perception into realms of existence beyond the three dimensions of space and time that we are familiar with. We will see how accepting the existence of higher dimensions profoundly enhances our ability to move into higher awareness and connect with the cosmic aspects of our being.
Featured image for “Intensive Practice Program [2025] Study Guide 10: The Immediate Realization of Cosmic Consciousness”
Full guide released October 1st, 2025

The Immediate Realization of Cosmic Consciousness

In October our attention turns to the great Russian mystic P.D. Ousepensky and his feeling that if we over-glorify the evolutionary potential of the exalted state of cosmic consciousness we overlook the all-important fact that this is our potential, now, for this lifetime. Our exploration this month will be aimed at deepening our own practice and sharpening our focus on the possibility of the immediate realization of cosmic consciousness.
Featured image for “Intensive Practice Program [2025] Study Guide 11: Attaining Spiritual Liberation”
Full guide released November 1st, 2025

Attaining Spiritual Liberation

In November we will explore a book written by a Hindu practitioner that will connect us back to the esoteric tradition of India. Dr. Nanjundra Row reminds us that Edward Carpenter developed the phrase in connection with an Eastern notion of enlightenment and the necessity of spiritual freedom. Our practice this month will focus on attaining a true inner freedom that releases us from the attachments and constraints that keep us trapped in the habitual identity of the small self.
Featured image for “Intensive Practice Program [2025] Study Guide 12: Living a Cosmically Open Life”
Full guide released December 1st, 2025

Living a Cosmically Open Life

In December we will explore how to live a multidimensional life that allows us consistent access to the higher dimensions of our being while remaining fully embodied on Earth. We will complete the work of releasing perceptual limitations and open to the full range of our inner sensibilities. The work we do in this month will establish a new basis for your life that will allow you to live as a cosmically aware person with consistent access to the highest aspects of your true self.