
The Phases of the Soul’s Development

Exploring the Spiritual Vision of W. B. Yeats
by Shirley Self
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In The Phases of the Soul’s Development by Shirley Self you will discover how your soul moves toward unity with the Divine over the course of many lifetimes. Specifically, your soul grows through a succession of cycles that each include 28 phases. During any given lifetime your soul is in one of those phases. In this book you will learn how to identify what phase your soul is in, and how it is being called to meet the demands of that phase. As you discover the nature and purpose of your soul's phase you will see your life in a new light. Many things will begin to make sense in ways you never could have imagined, and most importantly, you will recognize a clear path forward that will align your human energy with your soul’s higher destiny.

This profound system of soul development was first articulated by the celebrated Irish poet William Butler Yeats from information channeled by his wife and recorded in a book called A Vision. Shirley Self has done a great service to Yeats’ work by creating a guidebook that explains the intricacies of the system in ways that make even its most esoteric aspects accessible to the modern reader.

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Mystery School Press
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